Brief Overview of Pharmacy Technician Continuing Education

Continuing education credits, classes or certificates are a requirement for many professionals, whether they are licensed, accredited, or certified. The law requires that these individuals meet certain job requirement training, annually. Pharmacy technicians need 20 clock hours to maintain their certification. Guidelines are specific as to how many hours a pharmacy tech can obtain, either on the job, or in a classroom. Ten of the twenty hours the tech needs can be done at work, on the jobsite. There are several additional ways for pharmacy techs to earn their remaining hours. For instance, they can register at their local college, an accredited class, or online, and complete an approved course.

Approved courses in the area of math or science are preferable. Many continuing education classes are free, and are offered by the employer. Classes that are no free, usually costs very little. The internet has a compiling list of online schools that offer the C.E. classes that pharmacy techs will need to become, or remain current in their certification. The National Pharmacy Association is also responsible for helping students receive the hours they need. Students are encouraged to check with the National Pharmacy Association, regarding the requirements they need for their state. This is due to the variability of each state requirement pertaining to licensure, certification, and re-certification.

The pharmacy technician must continue their training and learning in areas of medicine and pharmaceutical job related issues. They must remain up to date in their jobs requirement, and functionality. It is vital for the tech to register for classes prior to the expiration date of their certification. It is the responsibility of the pharmacy technician to check the accreditation of the issuing company. The certificate should be nationally recognizable to prevent non-recertification. Some states will not accept certificates from non-approved institutions.

The Pharmacy Board may have other methods the pharmacy technician can pursue to obtain their continuing education hours, or C.E.U.’s. The total number of hours needed to complete may or may not be the same in each state. Each state has there own requirements, regarding the certification, issuing of licensure, and the required number of hours the pharmacy tech may need. Students or candidates who are in need of continuing education hours can talk to their employers, or contact the appropriate board of pharmacy association. Credits must be earned on or preferably, before the expiration date listed on the certification.

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